
The artistic work and images on this site are copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of Kelly Casey.

Privacy Statement

This Statement contains a commitment to the protection and appropriate treatment of personal information provided by individuals who may interact or use this site (referred to as the Privacy Statement).


Information which may comprise 'personal information' may be collected where you access this site or provide it in order to access goods or services.

This may include:

  • your IP address or cookie information; and
  • your name, email address, postal address, payment details and phone number.

Use and disclosure

This information will be used and/ or disclosed for the purpose of supporting site access and/ or providing goods or services where they are sought. This may include communication to third parties associated with site administration and the production or delivery of goods or services.

Except as required or authorised by law, your information will not otherwise be shared without your consent.


This site uses cookies to remember your shopping cart, to keep you signed in, and to perform various tasks.

Consent and Privacy Policy changes

By using this site, sharing your information or submitting a request for goods or services, you consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy and to the Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Statement may be updated from time to time.